Dec 25, 2011

Thugs Attack Street Doll In Mea Shearim (video)

I was out all day and every single time I turned on the radio they were talking about Bet Shemesh, and the kannoim in general (extending out of Bet Shemesh as well)...

I don't think I would have posted this video, but it made me laugh enough that i thought it was worth it.. Lighten everybody's mood a bit. Just the scene of these goons chasing around this street doll made me laugh - despite how said it is. A promotional street doll - a guy in a costume - for a well-known tzedaka (from the USA) - I am not quite sure what their problem is with this, but it seems the goons disapprove.. I think the guy in the costume should have said, to save himself, that he has taken the burqa chumra to the next level and has made himself (herself?) totally shapeless... Maybe they would have been happy with him had he said that..



  1. Hahaha - setting a guy on fire. Those sikrikim sure know how to entertain. (sic)

  2. That is an American yeshiva guy who learns in the Mir who dressed up. A friend of my brothers. I think it was specifically done to rile up the yerushalmi's.

  3. according to the description on youtube, this was done by OORA as part of the filming of a promotional clip.

  4. I don't think that is correct. I'll check and let you know. My brother told me to look on youtube for the video in which the Yerushalmi's try to beat up his friend who is a Mir guy... maybe I misunderstood him.

  5. the two dont necessarily contradict each other. it could be that OORA got a guy in the Mir to wear the costume and walk around in it. Anyways, I dont know what really happened. i just know what the uploader wrote in the description of the clip on youtube.

  6. My takeaway point is, take their hat to distract and escape.

  7. Where they arrested? I hope so.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Sorry Rafi .... can you delete that - thats the problem with copy and paste!!!

    Should have pasted this link:

  10. How sad the poverty. Grabbing a five dollar note like that ;)

  11. lol.. anon - that definitely gets comment of the day award!
