Jan 9, 2012

Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosques - no people, weeds only! (video)

Al Aqsa and Dome of the Rock mosques - no people, weeds only!


  1. The beit hamikdash was also in a state of disrepair for many years under malchut beit david. Our own tanach chronicles it.

  2. In the first image, I think I see two men standing inside the mosque. Am I missing something?

  3. hard to tell. I see now what you are pointing out, but it is hard to tell if those shapes are people or not.
    Regardless, I am not impressed with the "no people" argument. A photograph is just one point in time. When this picture was taken no people were there. so what. maybe 10 minutes later 100 people showed up, or maybe by mid-day there were 10,000 people there.

  4. I think the point is that the weeds attest to the fact that it had been generally abandoned for some time. If people had been going there regularly, the weeds wouldn't be able to grow. (Of course, these pictures could have been taken after a particularly rainy spell, which would both keep people away and provide a good environment for plant life to develop.)

    In general, I find these arguments in which Jews try to prove to Arabs what is really important to them (the Arabs) incredibly asinine. Imagine what would happen if an Arab would point out that there are important Jewish sources which say that the location called "Kever Rachel" is not, in fact, Rachel Imenu's burial place, and that Israel should stop giving the place a special status.
