Jan 23, 2012

Can Men & Women Just Be Friends? (video)

Can Men & Women Just Be Friends?

Friends or not, it is not an excuse to be rude and discriminating against women..


  1. She's right. I have an acquaintance that had a nice frum family. He met a girl (non-Jewish) at work and got married to her. Don't ask how he messed up his Jewish wife and kids.
    I also know an American -Israeli girl in the States that was married to a Jew and met an Arab in college in the States. She dumped her husband, married the Arab and today wears a hijab and everything. R"L

  2. Anon,

    So you know some messed up Jews who met and married a non-Jew.
    What does that have to do with mixed seating at weddings?
    According to what you wrote, we should davka promote mixed seating and mixed events for our frum children as much as possible in order that our kids should meet and marry a nice frum Jewish boy/girl.

  3. thats an interesting discussion. I know some who blame the shidduch crisis on the elevated level of gender-segregation the frum community adheres to nowadays, pointing to that to show that singles have little chance to meet and to get to knows members of the opposite sex.

    Others, of course, say otherwise and say genders must be segregated as much as possible.

  4. I think she was a bit over the top. I think that codes of behavior are good and I think that boundaries are good, but that is a long way from the complete separation she is promoting. There is no apotropos le-arayot and that goes for the frummest of the segrgated frum as well. There is a middle way.

  5. I don't understand why she is publishing a video of herself for men to see. Even if nothing happens "there is something hanging there"

  6. Raffi, you missed her point. She is not promoting complete segregation, just awareness. She says several times,"Be aware", not "Total Segregation".

    You said
    "I think she was a bit over the top. I think that codes of behavior are good and I think that boundaries are good, but that is a long way from the complete separation she is promoting. There is no apotropos le-arayot and that goes for the frummest of the segrgated frum as well. There is a middle way."

    That is her whole point, not to be over the top ( her words exactly ) But not to have the hugging and kissing- doesnt that sound like a middle way?

  7. Women shouldn't drive, something *might happen* and the woman might become promiscuous and become a whore. Oh wait, that is in Islamic Saudi Arabia, not Judaism, silly me. The term slippery slope isn't just a saying.

  8. What she is trying to tell YOU MEN
    is that G-d created men with an attraction to us women and you can't be friends with us with like you can be with men.(At least not 95% of men)
    And even if you don't want to admit it,you do actually look at us differently.

  9. the discussion around the idea of whether platonic relationships are possible is an old one and has always been a heated issue. I think it would be very difficult to have a real platonic relationship.
