Jan 16, 2012

Ron Paul: If Netanyahu Says Israel Doesn't Need Our Troops, Why Can't I Say It? (video)

Ron Paul: If Netanyahu Says Israel Doesn't Need Our Troops, Why Can't I Say It?


  1. He makes it sound like the US has sent troops in before, and now he's opposing it. That's stirring up animosity against Israel, not stating an existing or newly-agreed-upon policy.

  2. Because when Ron Paul says it, he means he wouldn't EVEN if Israel asked. He said that if it was during his time, he wouldn't have involved the US in stopping the Nazis either. So while Netanyahu is saying, thanks but not right now, he knows the US is an ally, that he can call for help. But Ron Paul is saying, don't call on us at all. You're on your own, kid. If you live, you live, and if you die, you die.

    That's how they're different, even thought the words sound similar.
