Mar 18, 2012

The War Against Child Abuse In The Frum World (video)

The War Against Child Abuse In The Frum World

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  1. Please identify the people, location and date in the video. Without all that it's worthless.

  2. do you mean identify the speaker or he should identify the people he talks about?
    he is Nuchem Rosenberg from new York. He spoke at Carlebach shul in RBS (I only had time to be there for about 45 minutes of his speech) on Wednesday night last week.

    you can do a google search on Nuchem Rosenberg. there is plenty about him

  3. Interesting that he spoke about abuse at the "Carlebach" shul. Carlebach preyed on teenage girls and married women. This is a know fact and there are tens of victims. There are many women walking around today dealing with the affects of Carlebach's abuse. Every time they encounter a Carlebach shul or minyan, or Carlebach music, they are wounded all over again. I don't know why a shul would be named after him. It's Ironic that this talk was given there.

  4. if thats how you define what happened with Carelbach (I dont know much about Carlebach, and have only heard some of the gossip), how is it that in general he has posthumously become so popular?

  5. That's a great question! I for one don't listen to his music because I learned about his disrespect to women many years ago. There are alot of phonies in the world. Neshama Carlebach performs with Roger Hambrick and members of the Green Pastures Baptist Church Choir at the JPost Conference in NY. Go figure that one.

    Only Hashem knows the Emes.
