Apr 12, 2012

Unity March Through Bnei Braq

Let's close off the Pesach holiday with not just another Pesach-related post but also a very positive tiyul/incident that happened during Chol hamoed this Pesach.

Kikar reported about a march that took place . The march was from Tel Aviv to Bnei Braq and was a mixture of  people from different sectors - secular, dati and haredi. The theme of the march? Unity. They wanted to show that they reject the message of the media of hatred of haredim. They carried placards bearing messages of love and unity and brotherhood. (source: Kikar)

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  1. Pity this is such a small initaiative. People should be pouring out of the streets, throwing flowers and sweets, and hugging each other, and all should take part. If this would get bigger, we would e on the right course for mashiach and geula.

  2. Nice. I didn't know about this. I'm glad you helped to publicize it.
