Jun 6, 2012

Donating To Kupat Ha'ir Does Work!

An office of Kupat Ha'Ir Bnei Braq was broken into on Shavuos. During the break-in, a safe with a lot of money was taken.

According to Bechadrei, an Arab worker of a baker below the office had heard the noise and called the police, who ignored him. He called a again a short while later when he saw them getting into their car to make their escape. The Arab employee also went in the morning to the home of the administrator of the office and to one of the shuls, but he waved it off as well not understanding what he was talking about.

The crooks tried to steal the safe getting it down 3 flights in the elevator, but the elevator got stuck. They broke out and carried it down instead. The police tracked them down near the house of the owner of the car, but they escaped (without the safe), and were only just now captured and arrested.

I'd say the events happened like this:
Kupat Ha'Ir at first did not donate enough to the kupa, but the criminals did. That si why they successfully stole the safe and got away.
But then, the Kupa donated more in order to get the safe back, and the crooks did not donate, so they were caught and the safe was returned.

See - donating to Kupat Ha'Ir does work!
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  1. One Flew Over the Kupa NestJune 06, 2012 2:29 PM

    I heard that Kupa Shel Tzedaka RBSA will be erecting models of the Kupat Ha'ir safe around RBSA so that people can donate to Kupat Ha'ir (with a % going to KST) as if they are really in the offices in Bnei Brak.

    Or for 180 NIS they will send a minyan of talmidei chochomim to daven for you at the safe of Kupat Ha'ir

  2. I'm not a big fan of the way these organizations advertise, but still, is there any point (besides leitzanus) to this post?

  3. nope/ just leitzanus. sometimes I enjoy a good laugh

  4. I thought that when you donate to Kupat Ha'ir your money had the zechus of being stuffed under the mattresses of the gedolei hador. The idea that they just put it into a safe is disappointing.
