Jun 12, 2012

Interesting Posts #388

Interesting Posts #388

1. The Meaning Of The Medal Of Freedom

2. A Triumphal Arch In Jerusalem

3. Rav Hirsch Lives!

4. Doing More Harm Than Good

5. King Asa and PM Netanyahu's Leg Ailments

6. Bullies trolls and Sick People

7. Walden Ponder

8. Avraham Burg's Opinion... As If i Care

9. Taliban Women and more

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  1. Here is a video you might enjoy:
    Thanks for the blog.
    I really enjoy it, especially the videos and interesting Piske Halachah.
    Mordechai Tzion
    Maale Adumim

  2. Heading your message "Anonymous" and then signing it "Mordechai Tzion
    Maale Adumim" is both self-defeating and self-contradictory!

  3. I wasn't able to sign in otherwise and wanted to make it clear that I was not writing anonymously (which is a horrible disease on the internet).
    Thank you for the comment.
    Mordechai Tzion
