Jun 4, 2012

Removing A Nuisance Rather Than Discrimination

Interestingly, Chabad is pulling some of it's support from the Chabadnik who was involved in the altercation at the mall in Ramat Aviv.

According to Kikar, Chabad is saying that both sides in the altercation exaggerated and it got out of hand. However, they are aware that this particular Chabad activist was too aggressive and there had been complaints about him in the past. They say they have spoken with him in the past about toning his activities down a notch or two.

With Chabad being seemingly less than supportive of their own activist, it seems most likely that what was initially painted as an act of discrimination was just the mall acting on behalf of its customers and patrons and removing a nuisance from the premises.

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1 comment:

  1. and for the latest twist in frummie - frie relations (and as an added value, it happens in beit shemesh!!!!)

