Jul 4, 2012

Interesting Posts #394

Interesting Posts #394

1. Unprecedented Medical Miracle: 1st ALS Patient to be Cured is Mir Rosh Yeshiva

2. Confessions of a Shul Candy Man

3. Would You Want Your Sons To Be Rabbis?

4. Aliyah: The Pluses, The Minuses

5. Yitzchak Shamir, 1915-2012

6. Today is the anniversary of the Entebbe rescue.. here is a great piece on the Times of Israel and another on Somehow Frum

7. The Secret of Susya

8. Summer Is Upon Us.. What About Kashrut?

9. When Did This Become Normal in the Litvishe World?

10. Timbuktu's End Of The World Gate Breached

11. Orthodox Week at TRR

12. More on the petition for the moment of silence at the Olympics for victims of the Munich Massacre - from A Soldiers Mother and from Israelity

13. Calls in Lakewood to hang the flag for July 4th in honor of the medina shel rachamim - amazing that a haredi person/community would call for that, but thanks for the State of Israel would have no chance...

14. The dummies Guide To Rabbinic Titles

15. Antique German Weapons Found At The Dead Sea

16. They Found The God Particle? Sort of..

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