Jul 17, 2012

Picture of The Day

Picture of The Day

(AP) After the Eida hafgana against the potential haredi draft..
I keep staring at this picture like one of those old 3d hidden picture books that you would stare at and cross your eyes to find the hidden image.

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  1. the hidden image is the extra tax dollars spent on cleaning up this mess made by a bunch of people who don't pay taxes and were protesting having to contribute to the State.

  2. May I suggest you pull the picture of the day from here?


  3. I wonder if the government sent the cleaning bill to the Eida.

  4. And they won! Mofaz just left the coalition so Bibi is back to depending on the Chareidi parties to prop up his government so another Tal Law will likely come through. Or Bibi will just refuse to enforce the law and not bother drafting the Chareidim.

  5. How does the ground after other rallies? Why pick on the haredim?

  6. I am sure it is a mess after every rally. I picked this picture not because of the mess but because of the colors and the way it looks like the fellow within stands out, along with the 3d appearance I mentioned.
