Aug 9, 2012

Money In The Can

The stories of discovered money usually have the money discovered in either a mattress or in the freezer, maybe in the cavity of a frozen chicken. And, the sum of money is generally in the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The following is a cool story, but the money does not reach the tens of thousands of dollars, and it was not found in a mattress or frozen chicken.

NBC reports on a story in which an elderly lady was going through her old home movies to convert them to DVD. After turning in her movie reel canisters, the Walmart clerk discovered the money inside the canister. And, it turns out that the money was being saved for a trip to visit Israel, a trip that never happened due to her husband's death.

Reviewing old home movies proved to be a richer experience than one southwest Florida woman expected.
Evelyn Weiner hadn't seen the 16mm movies in the dusty metal canister for at least 60 years. After a niece suggested getting the film transferred to DVDs, the 90-year-old Englewood woman dropped off the canister at a Walmart.
Second Minnesota Otter Attack in a Month
Ten days later, the manager of operations at YesVideo called Weiner to tell her that $3,100 in cash had been found in the canister, and they wanted to send it back to her.
Weiner tells the Sarasota Herald-Tribune that her husband must have hidden the $100 bills without her knowing. The couple had been saving for a trip to Israel after he retired in 1996, but he died before they could make the trip.

1. cool story
2. don't throw old things out without looking through them first. You never know where you or your spouse might have stuffed some money.
3. The clerk went beyond what he needed, or perhaps would ever have been expected, to do, returning money Ms. Weiner probably never would have even known was missing. Good work.

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  1. 4. Don't hide money without making arrangements for your heirs to find out about it.


  2. ...dropped off the canister at a Walmart.
    Second Minnesota Otter Attack in a Month
    Ten days later...

    The Otter attack is definitely the highlight of the story.

  3. Yoni beat me to it

  4. Reminds me of a story a couple of years ago - in Israel - when a daughter bought her mother a new mattress as a surprise and had the old one dumped. Little did she know that it contained her mother's retirement savings. And they couldn't find it.
