Aug 28, 2012

Rabbi Soloveichik To Give GOP Invocation

I think this is pretty cool, that an Orthodox rabbi has been invited to give the invocation at the opening session of the Republican National Convention.

The Wall Street Journal reports that Rabbi Meier Soloveichik has been invited to give the invocation, and has accepted:
An Orthodox rabbi from New York City's Yeshiva University has been chosen to give the invocation at the opening session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik (Soh-loh-VAY'-chick) said Monday that it is an extraordinary privilege to deliver Tuesday's invocation. He said he has been teaching courses about the connection between Jewish ideas and American democracy and that makes it all the more meaningful.
Soloveichik is the director of the Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva. He is also associate rabbi at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun (Kuh-HEEL'-ath JESH'-uhr-run ) in New York.
The head of New York's Roman Catholic Archdiocese, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, has been chosen to give the benediction on the night Mitt Romney accepts the Republican presidential nomination.
Rabbi Meier is the son of Rav Eliyahu Soloveichik of Chicago (now in New York), and grandson of Rav Aharon Soloveichik zt"l. And that would make Rav Meier the nephew of Rav Chaim Soloveichik, a local [Ramat] Bet Shemesh rav. Though I knew, or have met, some of the Chicago Soloveichiks, I don't remember ever meeting Rav Meier. I guess that sort of makes him, from my perspective, sort of like another nationally famous Chicagoan, Rahm Emannuel. I knew his father, but did not know him.

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  1. A sign of aging, Rafi. Just wait until you get invited to a wedding by the grandmother of the bride :)

  2. this time you've gone too far!August 29, 2012 4:18 PM

    Get over it Raphee, "Meier" is simply not the normative spelling of Meir (or, Meyer). Just because you're bias due to the way you spell your last name doesn't mean you can't spell someone else's name correctly. Sheesh.
    Just sayin'... :)

  3. lol..

    my brothers name is Meier, and he spells it Meier...

  4. Big deal. I'd be more impressed if he spoke about Aliyah and made Aliyah. This is where our future is! Wake up! USA has been great, but it's time to say goodbye. Time to take a part in the Jewish History that's unfolding in the modern State of Israel.
