Sep 3, 2012

Headline of The Day

Headline of The Day

Shalom warns: Last chance for ‘Sundays off’ proposal

  -- JPost

While I always thought this is a great idea and socially it is something the country needs, I have a hard time believing the government will pass this in the middle of a downturn in the economy..

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  1. Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please ......

  2. A British diplomat on vacation here in Jersey stopped me in the street yesterday to seek directions. We got chatting and he remarked on the fact that I was wearing a 'kippah' - something he thought was more suited to Jerusalem (where he is currently stationed at the British Consulate-General)rather than Jersey.

    I asked him how he was getting on in Jerusalem. He responded that nowhere else had he enjoyed a regular three-day weekend: Friday (Islamic), Saturday (Jewish) and Sunday (Christian).

    Some people have all the luck!

  3. I want an extra day off on Thursday, not Sunday. Thursday is a good market day!
