May 23, 2013

Bet Shemesh produces the strangest news items...

I don't know what it is, but the strangest news in Israel seems to usually come from Bet Shemesh....

the latest is a story with very murky details.. a family of 8, 2 parents with 6 kids, "wandered" across the border into Jordan. It seems there is a restraining order on the father for being part of the Lev Tahor cult, and not being able to leave via the airports, he was trying to sneak out via Jordan and then to make his way with his family to Jordan. This family is from Bet Shemesh.

The Jordanians took the family into custody and has returned them to Israel.

The details of what and why are still murky, but what a strange story!

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  1. If he wanted to make sure not to come back, he should have "wandered" into Syria instead.

  2. Bet Shemesh produces the strangest news because Bet Shemesh has the strangest people.

  3. could it be that "strange people" move to Beit Shemesh?


  5. Why bring them back? They should be deported. We need less of these "strange" people.
