Oct 14, 2013

do you want 5 more years of this? (video)

someone made this spoof on one of Moshe Abutbol's jingles.. good job


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  1. Added on my facebook page and twitter accounts.

  2. Where's the spoff of eli cohen's campaign billboard where he whited out a promise of a non-chareidi city?? Rafi - do you get ant kickbacks for your blog being a ongoing campaign for his election?

    1. I get no kickbacks. Hopefully we will get a better city at the end of the process (no matter who wins, but especially if Eli wins).

      the problem with your first point is that that was not a campaign billboard. That was a private guy with a trailer - he made a sign. He is someone who is somewhat anti-haredi and made a sign and drove it around on his trailer. The sign was up less than a day when Eli saw it and made him either take the sign down or cover up that line because it goes against what Eli stands for and is campaigning about. The fellow listened to him and covered it up.
      The haredi press did not bother checking but assumed it was Eli, so he got bad press off it. The truth is that after you know it had nothing to do with the campaign it reflects well on Eli that he was able to ensure that even a private guy who preferred such a message wouldnt promote it.

    2. I love it. They tell docs we'd like to put your photo in our brochure as a supporter, and suddenly they're flying dangerously above a traffic circle including their kupot endorsements. Does anyone answer for tricking doctors to agreeing to more than they would have - no. They let "friends" hang signs illegally and high up on lamposts so that ordinary city workers can't even reach them. Does anyone answer for costing the use of a vehicle with repair basket to take all those down - no. They send around some inane flyer: Eli Cohen says he likes Jews, but what he really means is... Does anyone answer for that - no. CHADASH prints some picture - and all these informed voters are up in arms. Uh huh.
