Oct 1, 2013

Headline of the Day

Israel and Colombia signed an open commerce deal: All taxes on industrial products will be removed

  - The Marker

Colombia is probably best known for its production of cocaine, so it looks like cocaine will be getting cheaper in Israel! Who said cost of living out here only goes up???

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  1. Anglos for Stop the BullOctober 01, 2013 1:12 PM

    Israel and Colombia signed an open commerce deal: All taxes on industrial products will be removed

    Is this also due to the efforts of Anglos for Abutbol? Even if not I am certain he will take credit.

  2. So the price of Coffee will be dropping soon? Rafi, what do you have in that mind of yours that makes you automatically think about something criminal. Colombia = coffee

  3. I think Colombia, I think cocaine. I am sure you do not want to know what is going on in my mind! :-)
