Dec 18, 2014

limited visibility glasses

Here you go.. the latest invention.

sunglasses that look entirely normal but have a sticker over the lenses that limits visibility to just 3 meters ahead. The cost is 25nis, and is mean to be used when located in places that have problems of immodesty, such as airports. Alternatively, one can buy just the stickers and apply them to his own glasses for 1nis.

They can't be making much money off this, but to be able to see just 3 meters ahead,  I could just take off my glasses. My vision might be even more limited than that.

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  1. Doesn't the gemara call this kind of person a "Chassid Shoteh"?

  2. serious question - is this a joke advertisement or for real?


    1. I'm sure it's for real.
      I was sitting at a bus stop in Bet Shemesh a few months ago - in a completely Charedi neighborhood. There were two teenaged girls at the bus stop. A young Chassidish guy was walking down the other side of the street - when he got near the bus stop he took off his hat and held it over his face, so he shouldn't, G-d forbid, catch a glimpse of the girls (who were dressed appropriately for an ultra-orthodox neighborhood). I guess he spends all of his time looking around to see if there are any girls in the bus stops so he can cover his face....

  3. at least this time the kosher version is cheaper than the real technology
