Dec 23, 2014

PSA: INTERPOL & Israel Police 'Crimes Against Children' Chief Speaking in Beit Shemesh

Superintendent Uri Sadeh, Head of Crimes against Children Investigations at the Cyber Crime Division, Israel National Police and formerly Coordinator of INTERPOL’s Crimes Against Children Unit in Lyon, France will speak on Motsei Shabbat 27th December in Beit Shemesh about “The Globalization of Pedophilia”.

SP Sadeh will present dramatic examples of how INTERPOL has successfully tracked down international child predators.
The Magen fundraiser event is hosted in the home of Orit & Jan Wimpfheimer in Beit Shemesh, and will also feature David Morris, CEO of Magen, who will present for the first time in public Magen's “Project Four” Abuse Perpetrator Investigations & Liaison Unit.

Soups & dessert will be served, generously sponsored by BeSimcha Catering. 

Due to space limitations, preregistration is required. Donations for Magen will be solicited at the event. The organizers note that this event is not suitable for children. 

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