Jan 21, 2015

Boehner invites Netanyahu to speak before Congress

Speaker of the House John Boehner just invited PM Benjamin Netanyahu to address Congress next month about the threat of Iran and security and terror. Netanyahu accepted and is planning his trip. In the heart of election season.

Perhaps Netanyahu is intending to show Israelis that the US is still his friend, he hasn't caused Israel to be isolated, etc. If that is his intention, I understand.

If it is not his intention, and if Netanyahu is looking for something grander, I think he would be better off suggesting that the invitation be postponed until after the elections. The media will cynically turn it into an election ploy, even if it is not (though it might be), and that is how it will be perceived by the public.

If that is the intention, as an election prop (i.e. look at me, so important the US Congress invites me to speak) it will backfire on him. The public will think, or be made to think, that he did it just as an election ploy and will reject his antics.

Basically, Netanyahu is probably better off just saying not now..

There is the chance that this is an issue that is urgent and cannot wait, but on the face of it...

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  1. This is pushback by Congress against Obama's alliance with Iran.

  2. RAM is right. You have to consider Boehner's motivation. The GOP sees that Obama is soft on Iran. He just said he will veto any sanctions that the House and Senate introduce. This is the GOP playing hardball by showing up POTUS. For Netanyahu it is a chance to pursue his avowed principals in educating about the Iran threat to the allies Israel needs most in that fight; and to play politics. Obama will be gone soon enough. Netanyahu gets to show the Israeli public that the 'real' representatives of the US public still support his policies. It could make Labor and co. look bad on matters of foreign policy, by comparison.

    1. "Obama will be gone soon enough."

      We still need maximum damage control as he goes nuts in the meantime.

    2. There isn't a chance in HELL that my boys will fight in any war against Iran. We the people own this country not the Israelis. It was a smart move politically for the democrats who are aware of the current feeling of Americans.I think too many people are unaware of the growing change of attitudes. Republicans again out of touch with the majority. What a waste of money.

  3. Netanyahu can not say no to this invite. A: It is extremely disrespectful especially after Israel complaining that the US doesn't give Israel the time of day etc. B: the Israeli media would jump on him for ruining our relationship with the us...

  4. This is a win-win for both Boehner and Bibi. Boehner gets to rebuke Obama on his Iran policy. Bibi truly believes that this is the pressing issue of the decade. For him to not jump on an opportunity like this would betray not only his relationship with the US, but his own convictions that this is an urgent issue. Politics can and must be brushed aside for this.

    1. In addition, Esther Hamalka had every reason to say "Not now," but didn't.

  5. Let him shout to Congress:

    1. I agree but it comes down to the Prez doesn't it? Is there any chance in hell that Obama is going to release Pollard in two years? Is anyone of Obama's rich friends going to stick out his neck to ask for a personal favour to release for Pollard.
