Feb 1, 2015

election campaign broadcasts (video)

here's some new videos for the 2015 election campaigns:

we'll start with an introduction rather than a campaign video - the Knesset Channel reviews some of th small and colorful parties that registered for the elections..

Yesh Atid:
listen to this amazing thing.. Yair Lapid claims nobody from yesh Atid was taken in for questioning or investigated or involved in corruption, etc.

I am not sure if this is a Likud-made video or if it is an unofficial video, but it looks like a campaign video..
how the Zionist Camp decided its campaign..

Habayit Hayehudi:
a country under care..

Vote for the Bibi-Sitter

Hamachane Hatzioni:
response to the Bibi-Sitter video

Koolanu Kahlon:
are you thinking of voting Bibi?

are you thinking of voting for Lapid?

Kulanu Na Nach:
not really a campaign video, but I'll include them..
vote for us because we'll bring "tzchokim" to the Knesset

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