Feb 5, 2015

Gafni and Deri involved in corruption scandal?

There has been a news report that the corruption investigation that has largely affected Yisrael Beyteynu has taken a turn and might now include a number of other MKs from other parties.

The names listed as possibly having bene involved were Zeev Elkin and Yuli Edelstein from the Likud, along with Aryeh Deri of Shas and Moshe Gafni of UTJ.

While anything is possible with politicians, and their involvement could be anything from circumstantial in a minor way to being central figures, or maybe it is nothing at all.

Personally, I do not believe they are involved in any criminal way. Especially Gafni and Deri, and even Edelstein.

Since Deri got out of jail, there has not been a hint of him being involved in anything dirty (besides for the normal politics). Gafni has never been accused of corruption and is generally considered honest and trustworthy. Edelstein also has a stellar reputation. Elkin is more of a normal politician, though his reputation has also been clean until now.

While anything is possible, and even clean politicians can become dirty politicians fairly easily, I think they all deserve the benefit of the doubt based on their reputations, until the situation becomes clearer.

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