Feb 9, 2015

new book... written by Moshe Abutbol

The following event invitation was posted online, though it was by journalists so I have no idea if this is an open invitation or not...

Mayor of Bet Shemesh Moshe Abutbol has written a book about the double elections, and the invitation is to the upcoming release event. The event will be in Jerusalem.

I am surprised he is not holding the event in Bet Shemesh. Maybe it was arranged for Jerusalem to make it easier for the MKs to attend.

Congrats to him, I hope he makes a lot of money off this book.

Best comments I've seen online:
 *  Is anyone else as sickened as I am by the idea of a sitting mayor, who pays lip service to the idea of promoting harmony, writing a book to rehash the most divisive election campaign/process one could possibly imagine?
 * now I understand why the city looks as it does.. instead of running the city he has been busy writing a book! (my comment)
 * Did you notice where he chose to hold the party? In the midst of his fanatic friends in Mea Shearim...and not in Bet Shemesh...that is a statement.

I doubt I will get a copy of this book for review.

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