Feb 9, 2015

The crazies of Bet Shemesh set new advertising rules

In the latest crazy news, Bet Shemesh has once again been put on the front page of the national media by a bunch of kooks.

It seems that the kannoim have issued a set of rules that they insist publications within the haredi community of Bet Shemesh adhere to. the rules include lists of what words cannot be used in advertisements, what images cannot be used, size of advertisements, and what can be used in some neighborhoods but not in others.

Some of my favorites:
 * no images of sheitels or hair
 *  no images of men modeling anything. images of male children must be clearly haredi.
 * no advertising judo, self-defense, etc classes
 * no advertising driving lessons for women or yeshiva bochurim
 * no advertising mixed events or performers who perform before mixed crowds.
 * no advertising evenings of music or chazzanut even if it is for a male-only crowd and for a mitzva
 * no renting rooms for rent,  unless it is in a haredi area
 * no advertising restaurants or other entertainment spots that are not in haredi areas
 * cannot use the words "tzimmer", "pregnant", "nursing", names of women, ...
 * no using words and concepts of the army, police or academy
 * no using a mans name in an ad for womens items, such as "Reuven Cohens wigs"

sources Kikar and ynet

The advertisers and publications feel threatened and that they have to submit to the rules put out by the goons, and maybe that it is not worth fighting them. And ten the goons are emboldened and think they run the place and can continue making the rules...

How do we break out of the cycle? Will something like this be considered so ridiculous that they will just stop complying?

Reach thousands of readers with your ad by advertising on Life in Israel


  1. This is both funny and extremely sad at the same time. Maybe a bit scary too.

  2. They might only stop complying when the edict says no publications about anything, ever.

  3. MESHUGAIM! They should not be allowed to have such control and get away with it. Is there no legal way to stop them?

  4. I suggest forming a civil watch group like 'Guardian Angels', or even a JDL anti-goon squad. This will give people, advertisers, and establishment owners more confidence against them.

  5. Yes, shame we chased Meir Kahane out of the Knesset...

  6. As long as people who don't agree with these policies will keep on reading newspapers that oblige to these policies - the goons will continue to set the tone.

  7. Would it be OK for them to advertise their requirements in their targeted newspapers?

  8. Who are these kannoim? Is there a vaad of rabbonim or some other group that purports to put out these guidelines?

    How many "charedi" newspapers are there in Beit Shemesh?

    What happens if a "charedi" newspaper refuses to follow some or all of these guidelines? Will they be boycotted, or subject to violence? Will they be banned by the same va'ad?

    Suppose a newspaper simply decides it is not a "charedi" newspaper?

    1. there's one charedi newspaper in bet shemesh (that I know of). it is not just the newspaper though - there are many many advertising booklets , and wall posters and signs
