Mar 25, 2015

3 bottles of champagne on the wall

The latest in the "Manny Naftali - Sara Netanyahu saga" has Naftali claiming that Sara Netanyahu often drinks 3 bottles of champagne a day.

If Naftali is telling the truth, I am less concerned about her wasteful spending in the Prime Minister's residence, and more concerned that she should be getting therapy for her drinking problem. She should be going to Alcoholics Anonymous, at this rate of drinking.

Maybe it is a sign that the price of water is just too high - it is worth drinking champagne at those prices!

How does she stand straight, or even talk to anybody, when she is drinking 3 bottles of champagne a day?

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  1. "Often drinks" is open to interpretation - it might just be once or twice a week. In addition, anyone who drinks that much gets somewhat accustomed to the alcohol, so the effect is less than it would be for a regular person.

  2. Three bottles a day. And people are still trusting the news sources that bring us this 'information'?

  3. Why this LASHON HARA?
