Mar 23, 2015

Tweet of the Day

The below tweets reminded me of the famous story of the woman who went to the Brisker Rav before Pesach with a question if she could fulfill her obligation of drinking the four cups by using milk, as she could not afford wine. The rav said no and then gave her a large donation to be able to buy provisions for the seder.

His students asked him why he gave such a large donation to her, as all she had needed was wine. The Brisker Rav responded that if she was asking about using milk for the four cups, it also meant she did not have any meat or chicken for the seder meal, so she needed more than just wine, but also food for her meal.

on to the tweets...

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  1. I never heard Pshat that על מצות ומרורים יאכלוהו means that you need to take a bit of Matzah (and a drink) between eating Maror and eating your Korban Pesah.

  2. I stopped buying them when they stopped using water from the Golan.

  3. Couldn't stop laughing when I saw the OU D. Why would they even bother manufacturing this? Believe they really don't even know why it's wrong. Also, why would the OU give their hechsher? Or is this all a joke!

    1. If OU has a permanent mashgiach at the factory, why not?

    2. The charoset is basically cinnamon apple - not really a strange ice cream flavor.
      The marror is a joke (someone photoshopped the charoset one; the ingredients are the same).

    3. The charoset is basically cinnamon apple - not really a strange ice cream flavor.
      The marror is a joke (someone photoshopped the charoset one; the ingredients are the same).
