Apr 29, 2015

the real crime of Ehud Olmert

I used to listen to Avshalom Kor on the radio all the time. I think he is great. He somehow turns a boring topic - language and grammar - into something interesting.

Kor, speaking to students about the Hebrew language, commented that Olmert's greatest crime was not the corruption he was involved in - that's just money, and money wrongly taken can be returned. The real crime, Kor said, is that in the generation of the renewal of Jews in Israel the fact that Olmert built a neighborhood in Jerusalem and named it "Holyland", instead of a proper Hebrew name, is the greatest of his crimes.
source: Srugim

I say book him on that too.

Funnily enough, Kor also said that whenever he hears a Member of Knesset talking on the radio and making grammar mistakes he sends a text message letting him know of the mistake. Kor is a grammar ninja!

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  1. Just as money can be returned, so names can be changed.

  2. Avshalom Kor is brilliant. I regularly listened to him on radio when I was young. A true asset to Am Yisrael. You can learn more than language from him, too. During our time in galut I listen to his podcasts. Of all things, it may be one of the best connections to home.

    1. What is the name of his podcast?

  3. only in Israel - is it considered a worthwhile endeavor to correct grammar mistakes of the parliament. only in Israel do we regard our language as something somehow more than an ordinary language.
