Jul 14, 2015

Aliyah vs Deal with Iran

on the same day that the deal is announced that will most likely allow Iran to get their nuclear weapons, a group of 200 American Jews landed in Israel making aliyah.

Either they have faith in the deal, or they have faith that despite the deal we are here to stay.

The Jewish answer. Aliyah. Torat Yisrael. Eretz Yisrael. Am Yisrael.

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  1. The answer is teshuva. Not aliya. aliya might be a part of it. but with 90% of klal yisrael not saying Shema on a daily basis and the multitude of issues within all the different groups that make up the other 10%, we all need to do and to encourage teshuva.

  2. Sorry to be a realist, but it's much more likely that Aliyah is a big deal and few if any were in a position to change their mind at the last minute. Most people making Aliyah have no place to live on the day of their flight.

  3. yet all along since they have been planning their aliyah and trip for the past 6 months or whatever, they have known that this deal was being worked on and was most likely to go through,. they could have cancelled at any time.

    I obviously didnt mean they made aliyah today (yesterday) despite iran, but the fact that their aliyah date fell out on the same day the iran deal was signed has, to me, some amount of symbolic significance when juxtaposed.
