Aug 25, 2015

kosher taxis

Looks like the next Haredi battle is going to be over taxis..

that's right...taxis.

The Committee for the Purity of the Camp is upset that some taxis are installing video screens for the viewing pleasure of their passengers.

That seems perfectly understandable to me.

According to Kikar, this organization has called upon the public to specifically ask for kosher taxis when calling a dispatcher - kosher taxis being taxis without these viewing screens. They specifically mention Get Taxi taxis as being a big part of the problem, as they encourage drivers to install such screens as a way of improving service and the riding experience. Get Taxi also has problems with chilul shabbos, encouraging drivers to work on Shabbos, so Get Taxi should be avoided in general.

I can see it now - soon we will have kashrut symbols and certifications on taxis, similar to the way we have it now on cellphones.

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  1. maybe it will give the Rabbanut a new job. seems like several establishments in the RBSA mercaz are refusing to pay for Bet Shemesh Rabbanut kashrus yet posting mehadrin teudot and advertising themselves as "kosher"

    1. can you tell us which places please

  2. Check out the Gettaxi app. It has a choice called "mehadrin", where you're ordering a Shomer Shabbat taxi.

  3. Check out the Gettaxi app. It has a choice called "mehadrin", where you're ordering a Shomer Shabbat taxi.
