Jan 17, 2016

the new Moshe Aryeh Friedman

remember this guy?

that is Moshe Aryeh Friedman, of the Neturei Karta crazies.

His new look is, as can be seen on his Facebook page, has him having drastically changed his dress code:

Haredi news sites (Kooker, Kikar, etc) are reporting from a "friend" that Friedman's new style is an indication that he wants to be less frum, changing his lifestyle and being less interested in keeping Torah and mitzvos.

considering what he was before, it is mostly a lifestyle change and not a change in his level of frumkeit, but that's his personal issue, and just choosing short jackets and colored shirts and a different hat does not mean someone is not frum, though that is what his friend thinks it means.

Anyways, that is more of a discussion for sociologists.

The question I have, that isn't mentioned in the article, is he still rabidly anti-Israel? Is that part of his life being changed as well? Will he continue meeting with the Iranians and locking arms with Palestinian protesters?

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  1. What is the kashrut on the hooka?

  2. Was he ever frum? I mean, being anti-Zionist, shaking hands with our most vicious enemies, is that a sign of frumkeit? Not in my book, it ain't.

    1. as I said, it isnt a change in his level of frumkeit...

  3. And when he was "frum" why was he sitting between two women (top photo)? Or was he married to both of them....

  4. His change of clothes is just a small reflection of what's been going on inside him for a number of years already. Mr Friedman is not a religious man, does not daven with a minyan and with regards to women, his behaviour is very undesirable to say the least.

  5. His change of clothes is just a small reflection of what's been going on inside him for a number of years already. Mr Friedman is not a religious man, does not daven with a minyan and with regards to women, his behaviour is very undesirable to say the least.
