Feb 29, 2016

Quote of the Day

I am telling you this with certainty.. all of it, all of it, all these degrees are rubbish and nonsense. In the Knesset none of the haredim have degrees and we have proven time after time that we are the best in everything. 

  -- Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman, at a panel in Modiin Ilit about Haredi employment

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  1. Whatever delusion gets him through the day, I guess.

    Although, I would imagine the average Israeli employer would disagree.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. And yet the next time he has a medical problem he'll seek out a guy with the best degree....

    1. Hypocrisy is a term one learns in college; that's why most Haredim are completely oblivious to the concept.

  4. The truth is 'a yasher koach' to him for having common sense!
