Apr 14, 2016

John Kasich Invokes Jesus After Boro Park Matzah Tour (video)

huh? why would he talk like this? Is there something wrong with him?

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  1. Wow! Yes, it's between 0:55 and 1:40. But it's too bad his comments are cut off then.

  2. Aside from the absurdity of his comments in front of all of these Chasidic Jews, I never saw a man loo so bored with a 'Get me out of here' look on his face - as does John Kasich. I don't think he's an antismite. But he sure doesn't look comfortable i this video or any of the others taken among O Jews. I do however give him an A+ for trying. :)

    1. He doesn't look uncomfortable - just aware that nothing here is being done right with the video. And theer's too many people there..

  3. He looks like one of those midwesterners who never saw a Jew before.

  4. Isn't that ezra friedlander (noted professional 'askan') taking him around?

  5. I read that he met with people from a Hassidic sect where almost everyone is registered as a Democrat! and couldn't vote for him. Is that correct? Was that this?

  6. Maybe somebody told him - too late to back out - that they were all Democrats.

    1. My earlier comments were made without being able to play the video.

  7. He does ask people at the end to pray for him (being somewhat uncertain that they all pray - they do but not tooo much extemporaneously) I suppose that could be because he found out that none of them could vote for him.

  8. You can hear the train rumbling above in the video while someone is speaking.

    That Matzoh bakery must be located just beneath an elevated train.

    It is amateurish but at least the camera doesn't move too much.

  9. You do wonder if he understands what theology is not accepted by Jews, but he may be trying to say how Passover is important or known to Christians. That lamb thing is awful.
