Apr 7, 2016

Moshe Abutbol and Big Brother

Moshe Abutbol, mayor of Bet Shemesh, went out to show support and to encourage people to vote for a Bet Shemesh resident who is a competitor in the Big Brother house. This included a helicopter flight over the house.

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1 comment:

  1. and to think that a vote for this idiot as mayor was a vote for "Torah true Judaism" and that the other side were going to be leading people to trance parties on Shabbat with public transportation in the centre of Bet Shemesh. There is no limit to the depths that Moshe Abutbul has taken our wonderful city.
    And special thanks to all those naive Anglos who were convinced to vote for Abutbul on the basis of the colour of his Kippa.
    Maybe if we had a mayor with a bit of vision Bet Shemesh might not need to get on the map as being a haven for reality show contestants
    I need to throw up...
