Dec 14, 2016

show some respect

MK Elazar Stern (Yesh Atid) made some disparaging remarks about the qualifications of Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef in the Knesset today.

I have a recommendation - the MKs, along with everybody else, should talk respectfully about other people, including rabbis, and including people they disagree with. And, rabbis, and everybody else, should talk respectfully about other people, including people they disagree with.

Just because Elazar Stern is a Member of Knesset does not give him the right to be personally disparaging about other people, especially clergy. And just because Yitzchak Yosef is a [Chief] Rabbi, and the son of Rav Ovadia, does not give him the right to be personally disparaging about other people.

Is that so ridiculous?

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  1. 100% in agreement.

    Perhaps a session and adult education classes on "Shmirat Haloshen" would be in order.

  2. Well, this particular MK outdoes them all. Think he's supposedly religious, but seems to hate anyone who is 'really' religious.
