Oct 16, 2017

pashkevil to leave Israel

Another pashkevil of interest that went up during the holiday period was the following pashkevil calling for people to prepare to leave Israel for foreign lands because of the government of kofrim and the decrees they enact against the religious community (specifically the IDF draft). They announce the formation of a fund to help families relocate - they will pay for plane tickets to Europe and the USA and moving costs as well. No mention is made of whether or not they will fund the $150,000-$20,000 tuitions per kid, plus health insurance, after the move or if the families will be on their own after the initial move.

Anyways, I say good riddance. Don't let the door hit you on the way out. I wonder which communities they think will embrace them and welcome their extremism, but I hope they find such a community somewhere outside of Israel, and specifically outside of Bet Shemesh.

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  1. I, too, approve of their message, though I will skip the newsletter.

    If any take them up on their offer, they will probably choose socialist countries, to avoid much of the costs you mentioned.

  2. Such stupid idiots. They could encourage their friends aborad to come on ALiya to have more of an influence politically to push their agenda. Instead they help Israel's enemies with the demographic balance. But you know what. Let them go. Those that are friends of the Palestinians can just walk over to Ramallah or Gaza and still live in Eretz Yisroel. How do I donate money to this noble cause?

  3. Someone we all knew (whose yarzeit is coming up soon) was convicted in Israel of paying Arabs to leave.

    A better use for this money.

    And maybe the government should prosecute the pashkevil writers
