Oct 22, 2017

Proposed Law: no funding for anti-State yeshivot

With the Knesset back in action tomorrow after some long vacation periods, Yisrael Beyteynu has announced it will immediately be proposing a new law that would revoke any government funding of yeshivot whose rosh yeshiva calls for evasion from the army in any capacity.

According to MK Oded Forer, who submitted the proposal, anyone who wants to isolate itself form the State, should isolate itself from State funding as well.
source: Actualic, Kikar

The expectation seems to be that the Haredi parties in Knesset will oppose this law, despite it specifically targeting the Peleg-affiliated yeshivot, those responsible for the recent riots, protests, and violence, and being those within the broader Haredi community that call publicly for draft-refusal (including not even signing the papers for exemptions or deferments). The "mainstream" Haredi community along with its yeshivot and its rabbonim oppose the Peleg and have been fighting with them in many ways and arenas. Despite that, the mainstream haredi leadership will oppose this law as they will not allow any law designed to hurt yeshivot, even yeshivot of extremists they oppose. As well, they ask why does the law target only "torah institutions" and not "academic institutions" that call for army evasion and at times, not infrequently, incite against the IDF?

Once again we see the Haredi MKs giving lip service against the extremists but when push comes to shove they continue to give them protection and cover for them.

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