Oct 17, 2017

protest at the park

There were a lot of protests yesterday, in many parts of the country. Many of them were in protest of the arrest of 2 young yeshiva guys who had evaded the IDF draft registration. Those are old and boring news items by now. The more interesting and unusual protest was actually a small one in the area of Mea Shearim.

Actualic reports on a protest led by a small group of extremists (aka sikrikim). The city of Jerusalem, led by Mayor Nir Barkat and his deputies Yitzchak Pindros and Yossi Deutsch, both representing the Haredi community, inaugurated a new park on Strauss St, in the vicinity of Mea Shearim.

As an aside, interestingly, the name of the new park is "Gan Yoshke". However, the sikrikim were not protesting the name. I don't know who it is being named in honor of, but I will assume Yoshke does not refer to the person who first comes to my mind when hearing that name, and I will assume the sikrikim have no problem with that specific name.

Anyways, the sikrikim were protesting the new park because, according to them, the local community administrative body is destroying the Nation of Israel  via the children - and they warned parents that this park is the gateway to integration into the destructive army.


That's right. They claim the problem with the park is that it will lead to integration into the IDF. I am not even going to ask how the park is a gateway to the IDF.

I guess they found a way to make it interesting. Had they protested the park for any more expected reasons, such as a breach in tzniyus or whatever, the entire thing would probably have been boring and gone unnoticed. Now they might get some airwaves from it by making a ridiculous connection. It is still mostly unnoticed, probably dwarfed by the massive protests around the country blocking traffic at many intersections and also by the lack of interest into the idiocy of these people except as a weird sideshow, like the bearded lady at the circus...

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  1. Joining the IDF? Whatever. At least it won't lead to mixed dancing.

  2. This is the fate of the Jewish people. Always was, always will be, the butt of derision among more civilized nations. From Wikipedia - Despite early successes in repelling the Roman sieges, the Zealots fought amongst themselves, and they lacked proper leadership, resulting in poor discipline, training, and preparation for the battles that were to follow. At one point they destroyed the food stocks in the city, a drastic measure thought to have been undertaken perhaps in order to enlist a merciful God's intervention on behalf of the besieged Jews.
