Apr 9, 2018

Quote of the Day

If we would implement Torah law into the criminal justice system in Israel - we may turn Israel into a Garden of Eden for murderers and criminals.

  -- Rav Dovid Stav, head of Tzohar

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  1. His quote makes no sense whatsoever!

    1. Yes and no. His implication is that the Biblical requirements for conviction are so strong, most criminals would go free, and therefore there would be little fear of punishment. This is much the argument against Rabbi Akiva (IIRC) in Makos, with regards to never sentencing a defendant to death. It ignores, however, the idea that Bet Din has other ways to punish criminals besides those outlined in Chumash.

    2. so strong or there are so few halachic punishments meted out to most of the common crimes?

    3. Not Biblical, Talmudic.

  2. Smoking on Shaboss 9lighting a fire) would be punishable by death

  3. Makes it impossible to take him seriously as a so called Torah leader when he thinks there is a better way than the Torah way.

    1. always difficult to figure out. I dont think our society is ready for, or wants, a halachic state. it would impede many of the freedoms were are very used to. Theoretically we want it, but in reality? I have heard a chashuv rav say that most frum people would not want such a thing today. our society is just not there - not ready for it

  4. Smoking on Shaboss (lighting a fire would be punishable by death)

  5. the king had a justice system that ran parallel to the batei dinim in order to maintain a civil society.
    Joel Rich

  6. Am told this is Old Discussions going back 80 years
    Rabbi Stav and co. are reinventing the wheel
