Apr 10, 2018

rain for health

In Israel it is very rare for rain to fall after Pesach. The Gemara calls it a siman klala, though I heard in a drasha recently (though I dont remember what the source was) that this does not apply within the first 50 days after Pesach (I think it was 50, maybe 30), and if the farmers say they need the rain, it is not considered a bad omen even after that.

However, it is still very rare. In past years when it rained in the month of Iyyar, we learned of a segula of the chida that drinking from the rainfall is a segula for good health, or a refuah, based on an acronym and a passuk.

Today it has rained across Israel, and might rain some more tomorrow, though it is not yet Iyyar - it is still the month of Nissan. So, what segula do we associate with this?

It turns out that this too is a segula for health matters, even though it is not yet Iyyar. The sites are quoting Rav Pinchas of Koritz who wrote that when it rains between pesach and Shvuos it is good for healing all the ailments, unlike any other medical treatment, and that is to stand out in the rain, reveal one's head partially in order to allow it to rain on your head, and to open your mouth and let some rain fall into your mouth from the right side. After Shvuos, some rains are still good for healing.
sources: Behadrei and Kol Hai News

If you want to try this sgula out, it seems at least harmless and is free to try, so go for it while you still have a chance!

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  1. But, in these times, there is a glitch here. The rain that falls now is full of chemicals and other bad things and they are constantly sending down all kinds of chemtrails and that is why there is so much impurity in the air. But, if one has emunah, I guess, then it might be beneficial and not harmful. It is good to know this beforehand anyway.

  2. The "siman Klala" of late rain is that it interferes with the harvest and damages the unharvested wheat. According to the Mishna in Taanis 12b, that is only after Nissan ends. According to the Yerushalmi, "nissan" refers to the solar, not the lunar, Nissan, so it might mean a different date, but as you said, that all does not matter. When it's needed, it's never a siman klala. For a thirsty man, water is always a bracha.
