Apr 29, 2018

smashing smartphones in front of Rav Chaim Kanievsky

I am not quite sure what to do with this...

A group went to Rav Kaniesvky after deciding to smash their smartphones and they did so in front of him. Rav Kanievsky then gave them a bracha.

The article does not say Rav Kanievsky requested it or demanded it. They decided to do it and went to do it in front of him. The bracha he gave them, as written in the article, did not even have anything to do with the smashing of the phones but was a general bracha. I think Rav Kanievsky secretly wishes that people would just leave him alone to learn and not bother him with all their narishkeit.

And that isn't even getting into the idea of going for a smartphone smashing ceremony, as if you are being mesirus nefesh, but then recording the entire event on a smartphone.

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  1. Kol hakavod to them!
    Anybody with a little seichel and some intellectual honesty would admit that smartphones are incredibly destructive (despite some nice things they do).
    There is little doubt that if chazal were functioning today that they would make them assur.

    1. CHaZaL had a rule about establishing Gezeirot the Tzibbur could not keep. You might want to check into it before assuming anything.
