Jan 23, 2019

Rav Chaim Kanievsky on making aliya before the elections

According to a report on Matzav, the upcoming elections might not mean as much as they have been made to be.. As a matter of fact, they might be meaningless. They might not even happen at all!

The story goes that someone from abroad went to visit Rav Chaim Kanievsky and get a bracha. he asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky if he should make aliya so that he will be able to vote for Degel hatorah in the upcoming elections.

That's dedication!

Rav Chaim Kanievsky responded that there is no need for this. Rav Chaim explained that Mashiach will be coming before the elections!

The young man was startled and before leaving he asked a grandson of Rav Chaim to confirm and make sure he understood correctly. When the grandson asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky to confirm what had been said, Rav Kanievsky confirmed it.

So, whatever troubles you've got, just hold out until April 9... and don't get too worked up about elections and election campaigns, as they won't really be relevant!

I wonder if Rav Kanievsky is instructing Degel Hatorah to not bother working too hard for these elections...

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  1. Just enough time to become tahor for the Korban Pesach!

  2. In the audio recording in the link below some guy who says that he heard from his mother that heard from the Rabbanit that someone asked Rav Kanievsky some question that the speaker does not understand exactly about passport maybe and that Rav Kanievsky replied: "you should not leave israel because moshiach is already here" and R Kanievsky repeated three times: He (moshiach) is already here!

    Nothing is said about moshiach will be here before the elections. That may have been invented by someone or misunderstood!

    Here is the link with the recording in Hebrew:



    1. interesting. just tonight I mentioned the story to a friend/chavrusa of mine who is a rosh kollel. he waved it off and said the "eitz" people make up all these stories to make him look senile.
      no idea if that is true or not, but that's what he said
