Mar 10, 2019

Interesting Psak: dropping a client

Someone in the printing and graphics business ran into what he thought might be a halachic problem and asked Rav Yiztchak Zilbershtein what to do.

He is a Haredi fellow owning a printing house and got a big job from a secular person, requesting he print a large sign, a meter by a meter and a half. They then wanted to add the picture of the female agent, and when they added it in a small size, the client requested the picture be enlarged to the size of 40cm x 5cm.

The question is, can he continue and print the sign or must he stop and cancel the order. The problem being the portion of the sign that will have a picture of a woman.

Rav Zilbershtein responded that causing the public to sin i s a very serious prohibition, even if it is only regarding the transgression of a light sin and definitely for such a serious transgression such as the issue of guarding one's eyes and how it affects one's spirituality, and teshuva cannot be done for this.

If the issue was one of preventing a loss, perhaps we could discuss whether that overrides the problems of "lifnei iver'- placing a stumbling block in front of others - and "lo tasuru" - not causing people to stray. However, this is not an instance of preventing loss of money, but of preventing profit. Receiving parnassa for something as disgusting as this cannot be considered "bhetter", so he should give up the job and tell the client that as a religious, torah and mtizva observant Jew, he cannot make a living from such bad things.
source: Kikar

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  1. What issur is there in seeing a picture of a woman? By this logic, allowing women out in public is just as bad, if not worse. The whole woman is visible, and not just the face.

    1. You should ask R'Zilbershtein.
