Mar 11, 2019

Quote of the Day

From my perspective, the Chief Rabbinate has undergone a difficult process of a hostile takeover by the Haredim.. It stopped being a State institution. Even its kashrut nobody accepts and everyone wants either Badatz or Beit Yosef. Nobody accepts the kashrut of their own institution. There has been a hostile takeover of institutions that were once stately by some Haredim in Israeli society. That's how the genetic testing story came to be. The Rabbanut needs to decide if it is a stately institution or an Inquisition, there is no other comparison. It is racist, demeaning and tramples human dignity... this whole entire system needs to be dismantled: the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Rabbanut - they are all in Haredi hands. The Ministry of Interior must be removed from the hands of Shas and transferred to Zionist parties. I think the Ministry of Religious Affairs as well should not be allowed to be held by the Haredim...

  -- MK Avigdor Lieberman (Yisrael Beyteynu)

Lieberman is really desperate with polls showing his party not getting in.. He sat for years with the Haredi parties in government holding these portfolios and did nothing about it. He also did not do what he said he would do when getting the Defense portfolio. Does anybody think he'll actually do anything about this even if he does get in?

And besides for that, what portfolios would he allow the Haredi parties to hold? They want Haredi integration, but then get upset when the Haredim integrate..

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  1. I heard an explanation of this DNA issue from a very senior member of the Rabbinate.
    He said that there was a recent case where a kalah needed to prove that she was Jewish in order to get married. Although it was clear that the kalah's mother was Jewish, there was reason to believe that the kalah was adopted and the person she claimed was her mother was in fact not the biological mother (The Rabbi didn't go into detail why there was this doubt, but implied that she had been raised by someone else in a different town, and there were very unusual circumstances).
    The Rabbanut offered her the chance to do a DNA test, not to prove that she was Jewish (for which we do not rely on DNA evidence), but to strengthen her claim that the person she claimed was her mother was related to her.
    The DNA evidence was not being used as proof, they just offered it to make the process easier for the perspective kalah.

  2. interesting this whole dna spat is about that one case in which the dna was taken and tested for a different purpose? seems strange considering this fight is about the misrad hapnim not the rabbinate but maybe the rabbinate was involved. it also sounds like it was on a much broader scope than in one isolated case. but maybe

  3. It wasn't clear to me whether this was a unique case, or an example of the type of case in which DNA tests may be performed. There is a more detailed explanation by Rabbi Lau on Facebook where he hints at this case and brings other examples where DNA testing may be used
