May 28, 2019

Interesting Psak: taking bus on Shabbos to have a baby

As reported by Kikar, Rav Yitzchak Zilbershtein, rav of the Ramat Elchonon neighboorhood of Bnei Braq, recently issued an interesting psak. The information offered feelings somewhat lacking and I would like to know more details of the psak.

Rav Zilbershtein was asked about someone's wife ready to give birth. As Shabbos begins, the fellow asking says he could drive to the hospital, but locally there is a bus operated on Shabbos paid for by the mayor, a free gift to resident sin order to upset the Haredi community. Would it be better to drive oneself and lessen the chilul shabbos, or take advantage of the free bus paid for by the city?

Rav Zilbershtein responded that they should travel on the Shabbos-bus, dressed in full haredia regalia, wrapped in a talis with beard and peyos (not that he would otherwise take them off), with his wife beside him. Nobody will suspect him of being there to anger the Haredi community.

Rav Zilbershtein added that he should ask the driver frequently where to get off for Beilinson Hospital, so everyone will know why he is on the bus and not cause a chilul hashem. And hopefully the bus driver will do teshuva because of it.

The reason for this is that taking the bus is better than driving oneself - better to desecrate as little as possible.

So, the reason for preferring the bus is not "to show them", to use what they planned for chilul shabbos actually for something good and helping increase the haredi community. Rather, the bus involves less of a Shabbbos desecration than driving oneself. And making sure to appear as Haredi as possible seems to not be to make appearances, but to avoid speculation of being  aperson there to just use a chilul shabbos bus - lessen any possible maris ayin.

The only issue I have, and that is why I would like more detail of what he actually said, is that he did not seem to ask if they have time to take a bus - really the halachic preference is getting to the hospital as quickly and safely as possible. If it was time permitting and no rush, then the bus would be fine. But if they are going into labor, how can they possibly take a bus?

Also, I was wondering with Beilinson located in Petach Tikva where this Shabbos bus is coming from. I did some searching and it turns out the Kfar Saba has recently tested a "shabbus" system and is planning on putting it into operation this Shabbos for the first official time. I am a little surprised that it has been planned and put into operation so quietly without it becoming a big ruckus with protests and political pressure and all the regular stuff.

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  1. Why is it better for someone who has a heter to drive on Shabbos to get someone else to drive? Why is it OK to use the bus just because the bus was going anyway?

  2. There is a concept that the least Chilul Shabbos done, the better. Therefore, for exampe, I know people who put the # for Htzola in speed dial to avoid any extra dialing. It may not be Halachically required, but results in less Chilul Shabbos.

    This driver is being Mechalel Shabbos as it is - if its possible to avoid chillul shabbos, then that is great.

    As for Rafi's question, I personally (though I am remaining anonymous) went with my wife by bus. Contractions had started, but after a lot of experience, my wife felt she had plenty of time. (In hind sight, I think we were foolish, because though we did arrive with plenty of time time, it was still closer than it should have been )
