Jun 30, 2019

Israelis: What do you think of the Hebrew Roots Movement? (video)

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  1. Boggles the mind on the ignorance of Jews in EY and especially some who are quite religious and don't know that a non-Jew is not allowed to observe the 613 mitzvot and there's even a halacha that they are to be punished for it. Only the Seven Laws of Noach are meant for non-Jews whereupon they are rewarded and have a share in the World To Come. Of course, anyone can do what he/she pleases on a personal level (between them and G-D) but that Jews are happy with this and don't even know the laws is quite distressing.

  2. Delighted to hear the last interviewee who is the only one in this video who knows the Laws of Torah. A Yasher koach!
