Feb 19, 2020

Ironi Bet Shemesh soccer teams wants your support!

The Bet Shemesh soccer (aka football) team posted the following on their Facebook page:

This Friday, February 21 2020 at 12:30pm will be a playoff match between Maccabi Arad vs Ironi Bet Shemesh.

Maccabi Arad leads the league in first pace with no losses. Ironi Bet Shemesh has risen to fifth place in the standings and is fighting to continue to climb to third or even second place, realistically. The team that wins the league this year moves up next season to the higher league.

no, I have never successfully understood how the crazy league system here works . The post includes some more details of the games and who moves up and who plays who and playoffs, but I just don't understand it. But what I did get is that they feel they have a realistic chance of moving up if they can keep winning.

Over the past 8 years, Ironi Bet Shemesh has not had a home stadium to play in and had to play elsewhere. The Bet Shemesh stadium finally reopened about half a year ago and a number of teams have been using it from the various leagues. Now that Ironi Bet Shemesh once again has a local home field, they call on the fans to return to support the team, to come to the game on Friday and cheer for Bet Shemesh.

The post does not say what it costs for tickets. I suspect ti is free, but do not know that for sure.

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