Mar 8, 2020

the ban on Jewish prayer on Har Habayit

People who go up to Har Habayit have been saying for years that the ban on Jewish prayer on Har Habayit has been set by the police, while the courts have allowed it but lef tit in the hands of the police to practically decide based on their risk assesment and level of potential danger. So we always blamed the police. Even though the situation has gotten tremendously better for Jews on Har Habayit, prayer, or anything that might even slightly resemble prayer, is still banned and will get someone arrested or thrown off the Har.

PM Netanyahu's press conference last night was very revealing. Netanyahu revealed that he rejected Ben Gvir's condition to drop out of the elections. Ben Gvir's condition was to allow Jewish prayer on Har Habayit (among some other conditions). Netanyahu said he rejected it immediately because the situation is too sensitive and he does not want to cause the world to get angry and against Israel.

If anything, Ben Gvir exposed that Netanyahu is behind the ban, not the police. The lack of freedom of religious worship is Netanyahu's fault.

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1 comment:

  1. It always goes to the top. Ever since those two policemen were killed on the Har HaBayit, the police have stopped caring about Muslim "sensitivities."

    Bibi can really be scared of his own shadow sometimes. He's much better than the alternative, but still.
