May 31, 2020

the teacher should be fired

There has been a slight surge in the numbers of new cases. All last week we saw daily minor increases in the numbers of new infected, but suddenly it surged with a nice jump. A large percentage of that surge, but not all of it, was from one school in Jerusalem, the Gymnasia Rehavia, that had a mass infection with tens of students, teachers and parents catching the virus.

It turns out that one of the teachers went to work with the virus and infected others who infected others.

The worst part of it - the teacher knew that he had the infection but went to teach anyway.

The teacher should minimally be fired, if not arrested. Knowingly putting his students in harms way? Unforgivable.

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1 comment:

  1. That teacher should be jailed for sure and fined, too. Banned from teaching as the cherry on top.
