Jun 30, 2020

Mk Eichler Upset at Knesset Podium about abusing the religious (video)

MK Eichler (UTJ) has a way with words....

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  1. The problem is that the Charedi community views the world as "Someone is out to get us", so for example when there are restrictions placed on areas with the highest rate of infection, including Beduin towns, South Tel Aviv, and some Charedi neighborhoods, their reaction is not "How can we make sure that our people are safe from this Pandemic", rather it is "This proves that the secular government (which we are part of) is out to get us"

    Unfortunately, with this attitude, it'll be very difficult to get the Charedi community to focus on life-saving actions, as every time there is a recommendation or regulation it will be looked at as an attack on the community.

    We should expect better from their leadership.

  2. in general I agree with your comment, but Eichler here is talking about a situation that was reported in the news yesterday of discriminatory enforcement. in some park the police fined a haredi family for not wearing masks and nearby gave out masks with no fine to secular families that were not masked. There was another story in the news about a woman who got out of her car to calm her crying baby and was holding her mask about to put it on and the police fined her anyway.
    today in the news is a story of a store in elad that refused to sell to some people who were not wearing masks and chased them out of the store. The police fined the store because of those unmasked people, even though the store sent them out without letting them buy anything.

    I agree with you and have said before. Haredi leadership should stop complaining, when the numbers are spiking in their neighborhoods. If they dont like the solutions implemented, propose others that might work better. But discriminatory enforcement is not good.
