Sep 21, 2020

Litzman gone paves way for Leifer to be gone

This morning the court in Jerusalem, adjudicated by [haredi] Judge Chana Miriam Lomp, decided that Malka Leifer is fit to stand trial and to be extradited and the relevant ministries can take the necessary steps for this process.

This is not the final word. Leifer still has appeals available to her. She will appeal this ruling. And should the Supreme Curt uphold the ruling, the Justice Minister still needs to decide and sign off on extradition orders, and that too can be appealed. And should the extradition happen after all that, the process will begin in Australia with trials and appeals and claims of being mentally unfit...

Ironically, or curiously, Yaakov Litzman just resigned from the government a week ago, and already the courts are ruling Leifer can be extradited... Sherlock Holmes would say "Coincidence? I think not!" But it likely is a coincidence, even though the timing is glaring. The tide had already turned a little while back and Litzman seemed to have lost his influence on these matters months ago, if not more. 

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  1. Wasn't Litzman indicted for encouraging witnesses to give false testimony in one of the Leifer trials? Won't that indictment be followed up?

    1. he wasnt indicted yet. he is under investigation. rumor has it that an indictment is coming soon, and rumor also has it that this is the real reason behind his recent resignation. but those are just rumors as of now.

  2. After what happened to the catholic clergyman Pell, how can anyone think she will get a fair jury trial in the state of Victoria?

    1. I dont know who pell is or anything about him, nor do I know anything about how trustworthy and fair the court system is in Australia. They arent a banana republic nor an antisemitic country though, so they arent out to get the jews. That is where she, allegedly, committed her crimes, that's where she should be on trial for them. The whole story is sad and frustrating and there is nothing about it to be happy about. Israel should not be a safe haven for criminals, and that is the theory behind extradition agreements.
